Saturday, July 17, 2021

Welcome to a Glimpse of Systemic Risk Consulting's AlphaAdder's Fifteen Year Applied Complexity Experiment.

Dear Sir or Madam; 

Thank you very much for your interest.

I have temporarily put to Public so you can view the relevant  posts related to the original Hypothesis. There are many more, but these are visible to help you hone in on the Important Points. 

The original Hypothesis proven: It was Indeed possible to Identify when the S&P 500 had self organized to the point of criticality and was susceptible to an unforeseen exogenous event causing a Crash. This was done in two different Economic Cycles, in vastly different circumstances, fourteen years apart. 

To Wit:

1.  Dated and Time Stamped Evidence of Statements of System Criticality Prior to Six Sigma plus Phase Transitions of 2008 and 2020. I wrote these entries for myself, to ensure I wasn't fooling myself. To be Epistemologically humble and transparent over two Economic cycles to observe the efficacy of the hypothesis in a real world application. 

.2. The Original Entry Monday August 22, 2005 is the Original Entry for Context.  It contains bits and pieces of Proprietary paper:  "Stock Market Endogenous Dynamic, 'Noise', and Crash Precursors", written 1998-2005. Inspired by Per Bak, and watching my Quotron melt in 1998 due to LTCM, and noticing similarities with my 1984 work at LANL.

Over the past fifteen years developed a "Very Pioneering" Complete Systemic Risk Management Suite for the S&P 500. "Reverse AlphaAdder". "IP"'s, "S^3", "P^3", "AlphaOmega", "Phase" and other useful non intuitive artifacts that are Distinct Competitive advantages tactically and strategically.

Ended Applied Experiment Successfully with the Correct Call prior to 8-Sigma moves in 2020. 

At the Urging of others I began to apply AA to a Global Pallet of assets where sufficient data was available, (One at a time) and it became evident that it's applicability was far greater than I had comprehended, as I was focused on the S&P500 because of its depth, breadth, and Importance. With the new massive implications of what can be done, I  Stopped Publication, and went back to school for Computers to build Infrastructure necessary to execute on a Global Scale. After School, and Six months in the Field, I, purchased the Global Data Streams, and I am currently designing the System to execute this vision incrementally towards a final goal. The End Result will be as, if not more significant than my work thus far. 

Thank you for your time and Consideration.

Bob Klapetzky 

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